The Well Within: A Wise Mind Metaphor
Wise Mind
In DBT, we talk about how we often experience two states of mind: Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind. When we are in Emotion Mind, we are driven by our feelings- red, hot, and tossed in whichever direction our emotions lead us. When we are in Reasonable Mind, we rely on cold hard logic (think Spock!). While there are benefits to both, purely relying on one or the other can lead us into trouble, or take us toward directions that ultimately goes against our values. So, in comes Wise Mind. Wise Mind is where Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind intersect... it's a deep place of knowing, of inherent wisdom that we can all tap into. Wise Mind decisions and Wise Mind living help us keep in step with our values.
The Well Within
Imagine that you are looking down at a well and you see water. It looks clean and refreshing- you're convinced that it is the water at the base of the well and the water is good for you. But, unbeknown to you, it had rained the day prior and, in fact, the water you see is water that has been collected above a trap door that's in the well. What you're looking at is not the water deep within the well, but rather, rain water that has collected on top of the trap door- water that is not clean and refreshing, and water that is not good for you. This is often how our emotion mind or reasonable mind works- we think we are looking at the bottom of the well when, in fact, we're not. The trick, then, is to open up that trap door so you can get to the water that is deep within the well. That water is your Wise Mind, "The Well Within."
At Well Within DBT we strive to help everyone unlock that trap door and tap into their Wise Mind, their own personal Well Within.